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  • Feeling really tired?

    Twilight indoors Feeling a bit drained? This could be because, like many people, you spend the majority of your time indoors, away from natural daylight! We spend more than 90% of our time indoors and shielded from daylight. Indoors the light level is the same as the light outdoors at sunrise or sunset. Light from outside is not able to reach into our buildings. Therefore indoors we live in twilight the whole day. For our daylight detector this twilight during the day is too dark and in the evening too bright. Therefore our biological clock starts running behind the real time. When your biological clock is out of sync with the natural times of the day, it can result to a constant feeling of weariness. Aligning yourself more with natural light and the rhythms of the day can significantly alleviate feelings of constant fatigue. So, embrace the outdoors or expose yourself to good light to feel more in tune and energised. If you want to bring good light in your life, watch the other animations to a healthier and happier life here: Try | Home | Good Light Group | Foundation Light supports us in everything we do. Good light has a great positive impact on our experience of energy, sleep, happiness and health.

  • Want to sleep better? Get the right light at the right time!

    A summary of an interview from the NSWO with Marijke Gordijn If you want to enhance your sleep quality, the balance between light and dark plays a pivotal role in achieving this. Immerse yourself in more light during the day and embrace more darkness in the evening. International scientists, advocate for increased light exposure, around five times more than typical indoor levels, during daytime hours. Additionally, exposure to evening light should be reduced, around five times less than current levels. This is essential for optimal sleep and overall well-being. Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash Excessive evening light communicates to your body that it's still daytime, which delays sleep and disrupts your internal clock. This conflict shifts your sleeping patterns, making you a later sleeper the subsequent day. Melatonin, which prepares your body for sleep, is suppressed by abundant evening lights, especially blue light found in many light sources including LED lights. LED bulbs can be dimmed and chosen in warmer tones to reduce their impact on your sleep. Unfortunately, the importance of light is not often realized. More daylight is needed to align your biological clock and to reduce your sensitivity to evening light. We suggest to implement these practical tips in your daily routine: Get Morning Light. If you struggle to fall asleep at your preferred time or wake up on time, aim for at least 30 minutes of morning daylight, preferably outdoors. If outdoors is not an option, sit within one meter of a window. Get Daylight. Seek at least 2 hours of daylight or natural window light during the day. If natural light is scarce, optimize your workspace with quality electric light that mimics daylight. Dim Evening Light. Dim your lights 3 hours before bedtime, maintaining just enough light to read comfortably. Interrupt Screen Time with the 20-20-2 Rule. Every 20 minutes of screen time, pause and look outside a window for 20 seconds, aiming for a total of 2 hours of daylight exposure daily. For those wishing for better sleep and a healthier life, adjusting the amount and type of light you are exposed to is a step forward in improving your well-being and alertness during the day. Read the full interview here (in Dutch)

  • Sleepy at your laptop?

    Do you feel sleepy while sitting at your laptop? The light you surround yourself with can be the key to a healthier and happier life. This is step three to let more good light into your life. Install electric good light that mimics daylight from sunrise to sunset. Importantly when you are indoors during the day you should get about five times more light in your eyes than you are used to now and much less in the evening. If you spend a lot of time indoor, receiving about five times more light during the day can revitalize your mood and energy levels. It’s essential to get more light during the day and considerably less in the evening. This balance not only enhances your mood and productivity but also gets your body’s natural circadian rhythm in sync with the time of day, improving your sleep quality. The right light can be the key to a happier, healthier you, enhancing your overall quality of life. If you want to bring good light in your life, watch the other steps to a healthier and happier life here: Try | Home | Good Light Group | Foundation Light supports us in everything we do. Good light has a great positive impact on our experience of energy, sleep, happiness and health.

  • Industry insights | Standardising healthy circadian lighting

    A summary of the article from LEDs magazine There is consensus among scientific experts on the need to develop lighting fixtures and lamps to support the health of the human circadian rhythm. The Circadian Light Research Centre study involving 248 scientists yielded 24 vital conclusions. They highlighted the importance of circadian lighting, lighting that can be adjusted in intensity and blue tones, which promotes optimal health by maintaining your natural body clock. They particularly emphasised the benefits of bright blue light during the day and the use of warmer tones and no blue light in the evening. Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash Given the unanimous agreement among scientists on the importance of circadian-friendly lighting, this presents the lighting industry with an opportunity to innovate and avoid potential liabilities. The development and adherence to standardised circadian lighting are critical, not only for commercial prospects, but more importantly, for mitigating adverse health effects associated with circadian disruption. This industry insight serves as an important incentive for lighting manufacturers to align their product development strategies with validated scientific standards, allowing them to create lighting solutions that are conducive to human health while seizing new business opportunities. Read the full article here

  • Winter blues?

    As the seasons change, with some regions transitioning from summer to autumn and others seeing the end of winter, it’s never too early to prevent or too late to combat the winter blues. Most countries experience rainfall and cold temperatures during these times, which can significantly impact your well-being. This is why we love to share the second step to a healthier and happier life. If you are inside stay within one meter of the window with your face or side facing the window. Otherwise, your eyes will still see only twilight. Addressing the symptoms of the winter blues and living a healthier, happier life involves maximizing exposure to daylight. The role of natural light in maintaining psychological well-being is crucial, particularly during the shorter and darker days of autumn and winter when daylight is scarce. Positioning yourself within one meter of a window ensures that you gain the maximum benefit from the available natural light. Therefore, prioritizing daylight exposure can be a significant step towards achieving a healthier and happier life. If you want to bring good light in your life, watch the other steps to a healthier and happier life here: Try | Home | Good Light Group | Foundation Light supports us in everything we do. Good light has a great positive impact on our experience of energy, sleep, happiness and health.

  • Healthy food, daily exercise, but what about light?

    Daylight is an essential factor that positively impacts our overall well-being and plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. Just as good food and regular exercise are vital for a healthy lifestyle, exposure to natural light is also important in supporting you physiological and psychological, it positively influences your physical and mental well-being. But when it comes to health why are we only focussed on food and exercise but forget about light? Photo by Alina Diana Crisu on Unsplash Good light regulates your circadian rhythm: Daylight exposure is an important external cue that helps regulate your internal biological clock, also known as the circadian rhythm. This biological mechanism is an essential bodily function that regulates your sleep-wake cycles. Being in daylight during the day helps align our circadian rhythm with the regular time of the day, the day-night cycle. This helps improve your sleep quality and overall health. Vitamin D: To get sufficient vitamin D we need sunlight, this is a crucial nutrient that helps with calcium absorption and bone health this prevents various musculoskeletal disorders. An improved mood: Daylight exposure improves your mood and reduces symptoms of depression. When you are on holidays and outdoor all day, do you feel happier? Maintain a good eye health: Spending time in natural light is beneficial for maintaining eye health. So when you work a lot behind a screen, don’t forget to go outside or keep our 20-20-2 rule in mind. When have a lot of screen time, this can cause myopia especially with young children. Outdoor daylight provides a more balanced and less intense light spectrum compared to artificial lighting, reducing the strain on our eyes and potentially lessen the risk of eye-related issues. So, daylight is fundamental for a healthier and happier life, just as crucial as a balanced diet and regular exercise.

  • Do you wake up tired?

    The best choice you can make for your health is: 1. To be outside a lot during the day, especially in the morning. At least half an hour! Daylight is the best light for our health. It has the right intensity and the right colour variation during the day. This is step one of our three steps to good light. Exposure to daylight is essential for optimal well-being. We advise you to spend two hours a day outdoors, particularly in the morning for at least 30 minutes. The importance of daylight lies in its unique properties: the right intensity and dynamic colour variation throughout the day. These factors contribute to a balanced circadian rhythm, which affects your sleep quality, mood, and overall health. Prioritizing outdoor activities or simply stepping outside for half an hour every morning can be an impactful step toward a healthier lifestyle. If you want to bring good light in your life, watch our latest videos, click here: Try | Home | Good Light Group | Foundation Light supports us in everything we do. Good light has a great positive impact on our experience of energy, sleep, happiness and health.

  • The 20-20-2 Rule: tips for maintaining your eye and general health

    In today's modern life, we spend a lot of time behind screens, for work, education, or entertainment. A life without screens unthinkable. This trend has led to a significant rise in screen time, raising global concerns about health and also eye health. One effective rule for maintaining good eye health and general health is the 20-20-2 rule. The 20-20-2 rule is a simple and impactful concept. The idea is to take a break from the screen every 20 minutes, focus on the sky for 20 seconds, and spend two hours outside in daylight each day. 20 minutes of screen time Spending extended periods in front of screens is not beneficial for the eyes. It can lead to eye strain, dryness, discomfort, and, over time, may contribute to vision issues. Taking a break every 20 minutes helps relief the eyes and maintain eye health. 20 seconds looking at the sky After every 20 minutes spent using a screen, walk to a window and look at the sky for 20 seconds. It takes about 20 seconds for your eyes to completely relax. Need some help with the 20 minutes and 20 seconds? There are some free apps you can download like Eye Care 20 20 20 that can help. 2 hours outside The final aspect of the rule is spending two hours outside preferably in the morning. Natural light exposure is not only healthy for the eyes but for the entire body. Regular outdoor time improves sleep, mood, and overall health. Daylight always provides the right light intensity and spectrum at the right time, unlike artificial indoor lighting. You can focus your eyes at different distances and adapt to different light conditions, this is good for visual acuity and flexibility. Children The 20-20-2 rule is particularly important for children. The rate of myopia, or shortsightedness, is escalating worldwide, with children being at significant risk because their eyes are still developing. Myopia occurs when the shape of the eye is too long, causing light to bend inaccurately and results in blurred distance vision. Screen time and a lack of outdoor activities and light intensities are factors that contribute to myopia. For more info in English: Healthline For more info in Dutch: het oog ziekenhuis Or go to the website of Jantje Beton

  • Still got the blues?

    Good sleep When our biological clock is properly aligned with time we are fit during the day, our mood is upbeat and we rest well during sleep. Good sleep is essential for our well-being. It is closely linked to the synchronization of our biological clock with daylight. When these are aligned, we experience several benefits: increased alertness during daytime, improved mood, and effective rest during our sleep. Therefore, prioritizing good sleep by getting sufficient daylight or being in electric light that mimics daylight can have a significant impact on our overall wellness! If you want to bring good light in your life, watch also the other steps to a healthier and happier life here: Try | Home | Good Light Group | Foundation Light supports us in everything we do. Good light has a great positive impact on our experience of energy, sleep, happiness and health.

  • How was your holiday!?

    Holidays, a time away from the hustle of our routine life, and perfect to take your time to relax. A time free from daily tasks, and a perfect time for your interests or hobbies, travel, or get some rest, a good moment in which you spend a lot of time outdoors. But what makes this time a time that you are exceptionally happy and feel healthier? Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplashed If you go on holidays or have some time off, you spend a significant amount time outdoors. Much more than during other times of the year. Without intention or knowingly you help your circadian rhythm get in track with regular time. This is very beneficial to your health. You sleep better, have a better mood and more energy. When on holidays most of the time the weather is good and you often walk, cycle or exercise more which also contributes to your overall health. Spending more time in daylight plays a crucial role in your physiological and psychological health. Sunlight also promotes the synthesis of Vitamin D, a vital element for overall health and immunity. Regular exposure to daylight helps maintain your body's internal clock (circadian rhythm), which regulates your sleep-wake cycle with the time of the day and improves your sleep quality. You feel more rested in the morning and more energy during the day. So hope you had a happy and healthy holiday and spent a lot of time outdoor!

  • Unable to sleep?

    The daylight detector uses light to adjust our biological clock with the time of day. In the morning the intense daylight activates us. In the evening, when the sun goes down it prepares our body for a good night’s sleep. The daylight detector serves a crucial role in regulating our biological clock with the time of day. During morning hours, this detector responds to the daylight, sending signals to our brain that promote alertness and activity. As the sun sets in the evening, the diminishing light signals our body to prepare for a good night’s sleep. These signals between the daylight detector and the biological clock helps to maintain an alignment between our internal physiological processes and the daily 24-hours cycles. If you want to bring good light in your life, watch also the other steps to a healthier and happier life here: Try | Home | Good Light Group | Foundation Light supports us in everything we do. Good light has a great positive impact on our experience of energy, sleep, happiness and health.

  • Just returned from vacation and already feeling groggy? Here's how to prolong that holiday vibe

    Our board member Jan Denneman was interviewed by the Dutch news website NU.NL about how to maintain the holiday feeling. One day you're lounging on a beach, and the next, you're back at your desk. To avoid plunging straight back into the daily grind, here are some tips to extend that vacation feeling. Photo by Standsome Worklifestyle on Unsplash We Need More Daylight Jan Denneman, president of the Good Light Group Foundation, believes the vacation euphoria slips away so quickly primarily due to our limited exposure to natural daylight. "Most people work in environments, like offices or hospitals, that lack sufficient natural light. Regardless of how you spent your vacation, you likely spent more time outdoors than during a typical workweek.” Daylight plays a pivotal role in regulating our biological clock. Receiving adequate daylight helps synchronize our internal clock with the day's rhythm. "It ensures our day-night cycle aligns with the actual time," Denneman states. This alignment is crucial since our biological clock significantly impacts our sleep quality. The combination of fewer daily tasks and improved sleep during vacation naturally enhances our overall mood. Seek the Light Even after returning home you can maintain that relaxed feeling. Firstly, spend more time outdoors; morning light is particularly beneficial. "Even on an overcast day, the outdoor light is sufficient." For those confined indoors, positioning your desk near a window can be beneficial. "The closer, the better. But even a few meter away offers some advantages, although the light intensity diminishes." Lastly, Denneman suggests using specialized desk lamps for good light. These lamps project adequate light into your eyes, a standard rarely met by conventional indoor lighting. More info about how to get good light indoor Read the full article

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