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Good light

for a healthier and happier life

What we are

The Good Light Group is a non-profit organization operating globally, with a legal structure as a foundation, registered in the Netherlands in May 2019.


Our main objective is to inform you about the benefits of natural daylight and electric lighting that compensates for its absence, as well as the health risks associated with spending all day indoors, where the light is too dim during the day and too bright in the evening.


Affiliated scientists work together with lighting designers to inform you about the practical implementation of the latest research developments.

Why the Good Light Group?

The background: from outdoor to indoor

Modern humans evolved on a rotating planet under a natural light-dark cycle during more than 50 000 years. It is only since the time of industrialization, approximately 250 years ago, that people started to stay indoors more and more. Currently, most people spend more than 90% of their lives indoors.


Indoor light levels are about 50x lower than regular outdoor light intensities and the spectral characteristics (colours) of electric light are completely different from natural light.


Current indoor lighting is in most cases sufficient to see, but it is not appropriate for the optimal functioning of body and brain. This means most people are living in ‘biological darkness’ for about 90% of their lives.

The problem: biological darkness

More than 5 billion people live in ‘biological darkness’ during daytime resulting in sleepiness during the day and difficulty with sleeping during the night. It may result in mood disturbances, problems with concentrating, difficulties with learning and memory and a higher risk of errors, accidents, and health and well-being problems on the long turn.

The solution: good light indoors

The solution to biological darkness is the use of good light indoors. Good light has similar beneficial effects as natural light and revitalizes us, energizes us, comforts us, and shows us . To have these effects, good light needs to be attractive, optimized, dynamic, and personal


Our mission for 2025 is that 1,000,000 people worldwide know about the beneficial effects of good light on the body and brain. We also want to accomplish that 100,000 people worldwide live, work and learn in buildings with good light.

Long-term strategy

The Good Light Group will create awareness in society about the beneficial effects of Good Light for body and brain.

The Good Light Group will facilitate global collaborations between knowledge institutes, designers for indoor environments and interested companies and organizations.

The Good Light Group will stimulate the use of Good Light in buildings and promote knowledge development around Good Light.





Joining us

Become a participant or partner! Please contact the Good Light Group using the contact form, for more information about Good Light and/or if you want to contribute to the Good Light Group. If you want to be a friend of the Good Light Group, use the button below for more information.

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