Good Light Group meeting #19
30 April, 16.00 CEST, 2024
Good Light Group Meeting #19​
Regularly, we organize group meetings with distinguished speakers to explore new research, fascinating developments, groundbreaking innovations, or interesting projects all related to good light.
Research into the acceptance and effectiveness of task lighting for non-image forming effects of light with ​Roger Sexton, Stoane Lighting and professor Peter Raynham, Emeritus Professor of the Lit Environment, UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE)
Updated guide for general public
Every last Monday of each month
6.00 CEST
Let's talk about light and health​
A monthly Q&A following interviews with experts in light and health organized by Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Hosted by Randy Reid of the NLB; produced by Allison Thayer of the LHRC
Last Monday of each month at 12:00 PM, ET
30 days good light experience
The Good Light Group will challenge several people, working from a home office, to experience good light for a period of one month in 2024.